Thursday, October 3, 2013

Just Let Go

Some days you just need to let go. For me, it's usually a Friday. My husband is on his way home from being out of town the second week in a row. I've changed a poopy diaper on the same child 5 times today and it needs it again. I've made three meals and cleaned up from two. I've tried to maintain some aspect of neat-and-tidy all week so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed come Friday. Friday has come and I'm definitely overwhelmed. Where is my clean house? All I can see is dirty dishes, crumbs scattered across the kitchen, the trash overflowing, the living room couch cushions anywhere but the couch and toys everywhere. Three unmade beds and smeared fingerprints on every window and glass. I thought I just mopped yesterday? Children are throwing tantrums, needing to be corrected, disciplined, loved. The dog is sitting at the front door needing to pee. I haven't had an ounce of alone time or an adult conversation in way too long and I just wanted everything perfect. Perfect is so not happening tonight! Some days you just need to let go. So I stop. I sit on the couch with no cushions and hold the boy who needed all those diaper changes. I kiss the baby who is looking more and more like a toddler everyday. I read the little girl her favorite book. Deep breath. It's okay. Perfect didn't happen today.

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